- Start Date - 09/02/2016
- End Date - 09/02/2016
- Start Time - 17:00
- End Time - 18:30
- Location - Houston Lecture Theatre, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- Interested -
Dated - 09
Cara L. Lewis, PT, PhD
Peter Paul Career Development Professor
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD) and Medicine, Boston University, USA.
About this lecture:
Dr Lewis’ research areas of interest focus on musculoskeletal causes of hip pain and biomechanical analysis of human movement. She is director of the Human Adaptation Laboratory at the College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Sargent College, Boston University.
In this lecture, Dr Lewis will focus on the role of neuromuscular control in the hip joint, the utility of biomechanical analysis in understanding hip joint pain associated with pathologies such as femoroacetabular impingement and acetabular labral tears. She will also address, based on her clinical and research experience, the role of physiotherapy in non-surgical treatment of intra-articular hip pathology.
Please RSVP to Dr Helen French, School of Physiotherapy, RCSI hfrench@rcsi.ie (attendees only)