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Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN) questionnaire

Dated - October 23, 2013

Dear Colleague

The Science for Prevention Academic Network (SPAN) has been awarded a grant to support the establishment of a network of prevention scientists and educators across Europe. The project aims to improve the integration of prevention science in the higher education sector and to improve staff and student skill mobility across Europe; develop and share best practice in prevention science education training and workforce and; support the development of innovative ICT based content for prevention science. For further information please see: http://www.span-europe.eu/

The Health Promotion Research Centre at NUI Galway is a partner in this project under lead researcher Dr. Michal Molcho. At this early stage of the project we are concerned with building a database of those involved in both preventive and health promoting interventions. For the purpose of this exercise, health is defined as either ill health (e.g. cardiovascular disease, cancer, communicable diseases, psychological distress or psychiatric diseases, metabolic disease, injuries etc); or as its intermediary behavioural or psycho-social factors/determinants (e.g. smoking, alcohol misuse, unsafe sex, lack of physical activity, lack of empowerment, aggressivity etc).

The criteria for search is people involved in preventive or health promoting interventions (both development, and evaluation of, including methodological issues) in all major public-health domains.

In order to this we ask your help in providing information for this database. Below please find a short questionnaire which we would like you to forward to all members of staff in your organisation and anyone else that you think would be eligible for entry onto our databse. We are looking for the name, contact details and name of the preventive and/or health promoting intervention/programme and very brief details. If any individual is involved in more than one programme please fill in a separate form for each programme.

SPAN questionnaire

We would appreciate if completed forms could be returned to me Colette.dempsey@nuigalway.ie by Friday, 25t October, 2013. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Kind regards

Colette Dempsey

Health Promotion Research Centre
NUI Galway
091 493642

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