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Leading Effective Meetings – Spaces available – Thursday, 08 February

Dated - January 29, 2018


The aims of this highly practical half-day course are to provide participants with the skills and tools required and to build personal confidence in their abilities to run a meeting.
During the sessions, participants will learn how to:
•Ensure meetings and minutes meet the needs of the organisation and its stakeholders
•Understand the role and responsibilities of the chair and minute-taker
•Prepare effectively for a meeting / create an effective agenda
•Manage a meeting to ensure objectives are achieved
Course content

Best practice: Defining a good meeting

Defining the roles and responsibilities of chair and minute-taker

Characterising the relationship between the chair and the minute-taker

Differences between internal and external meetings

Creating and managing an effective agenda

Time management techniques

Ensuring objectives are met/ keeping meetings on track

Liaising with the minute-taker

Learning to summarise in meetings

Stamping out waffling and repetition

Using additional reports/ documents in the best way

Managing people: encouraging participation/ dealing with personality types etc.

Managing conference calls

Ensuring the minute-taker delivers the minutes required (e.g. level of detail, formality of language)

Awareness of FoI and its implications (e.g. content, records management)

Offering clear instructions on the completion of meetings

Tips for reviewing the final version of minutes

Target Audience: All staff.

Please email staff_l&d@rcsi.com or phone Ruth on E5169 for a place.

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