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Spaces available: Teaching in a Cross Cultural Environment

Dated - March 6, 2018

When you have non-native English speaking international students in your classroom, there are several important issues and classroom management strategies related to effective communication that you may need to keep in mind to help all students have a positive learning experience. International students bring a broad range of cultural perspectives to the learning environment, and this diversity has the capacity to enrich teaching and learning in the College.

The half day workshop is designed to address the needs of international students as learners. The workshop will introduce issues of cultural awareness to those who teach international students, as well issues involved in cross-cultural communication.

Workshop Aim: To discuss and explore strategies for improving the international student experience in a teaching and learning environment, while simultaneously improving interaction between native and international students.

Workshop Objectives: Teaching in an intercultural setting means using strategies to work creatively with different cultural worldviews, and bringing an international perspective into the curriculum. Therefore, at the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Review and discuss the literature available on teaching international students;
  • Plan for and offer better support to international students and those involved in teaching;
  • Identify the main barriers in terms of teaching, e.g. language awareness, non-verbal behaviour, learning styles, communication skills, academic writing etc;
  • Identify and solve problems with the help of others in the workshop.

Target Audience: Those involved in teaching, tutoring and supervising international students.

Booking: Please click here

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