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Special lunchtime lecture – “Change: Self-stigma among people living with HIV, Zimbabwe – from research to practice”

Dated - April 14, 2016

Dear Colleagues,

You are invited to join a special lunchtime session on Monday 18 April at 12:30 – 1.30 in RCSI Beaux Lane House, large meeting room, entitled:

Change: Self-stigma among people living with HIV, Zimbabwe – from research to practice

RCSI has been working together with Trocaire for the past three years to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a pilot programme using Inquiry-based stress reduction: The Work of Byron Katie to support people living with HIV to deal with self stigma – negative self-judgement resulting in shame, worthlessness and blame. Self stigma represents an important but neglected aspect of living with HIV – and is equally relevant for people with diseases such as cancer. Self-stigma impacts a person’s ability to live positively, limits meaningful self agency, quality of life, adherence to treatment and access to health services.

This innovative approach combines practice and research in a way that many research projects cannot. We look forward to sharing this programme with you as a team of implementers and researchers – what we did, why we did it, the impact and the lessons learned for the future. There will also be a short video.

• Nadine Ferris France, The Work for Change/Irish Forum for Global Health
• Ronan Conroy, RCSI
• Elaine Bryne, RCSI
• Steve MacDonald, Irish Forum for Global Health
• Deirdre Ni Cheallaigh, Trocaire HQ
• Beatrice Ndhlovu, Trocaire Zimbabwe

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