Dated - 10
The Catalysis and Sensing for our Environment Symposium 2015 (CASE 2015) is open for (FREE) registration:
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in The Catalysis and Sensing for our Environment Symposium 2015 (CASE 2015). The CASE Symposium will be held in Trinity College Dublin (TCD) at the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute (TBSI) and in at Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) in Dublin, Ireland on the 9th and 10th of July 2015, respectively. Registration is essential and we ask you to register as soon as possible if you are intending to join us as we need to know the final numbers for catering reason.
This Symposium has become an important event in the scientific calendar and previous symposia have been held in: The University of Bath (UK, 2008); East China University of Science and Technology (China, 2009); The University of Birmingham (UK, 2011); Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC) (China, 2012); University of Texas at Austin (USA, 2013) and Xiamen University (China, 2014).
This year’s CASE programme will bring together researchers from China, Ireland, UK and other countries in high profile and dynamic research areas. Professor Eric Anslyn (UTA, USA) and Professor Yun-Bao Jiang (Xiamen, China) have both confirmed that they will present plenary lectures at CASE 2015. This year also sees the first CASE Award Lectures, the winners presenting a plenary lecture as part of the programme.
This year’s symposia will be held in the vibrant city of Dublin, with a half-a-day pre-Symposium meeting on Supramolecular Chemistry being held on the afternoon of the 8th of July in Maynooth University (ca. 20 km drive from Dublin city centre):
The two meetings are free of charge, but registration for both meetings is essential (via the above webpages).
Both meetings are generously sponsored by ISCP-China, an International Strategic Collaboration Programme. ISCP-China ( supports the development of new and existing joint research opportunities between Irish universities and partner organisations in China. ISCP-China is funded through Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). ISCP-China a joint collaboration, lead by Maynooth University with Dublin City University (DCU), the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), RCSI and TCD.
We look forward to to see you at CASE 2015
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee:
Donal O’Shea (RCSI)
Thorri Gunnlaugsson (TCD)
Aisling Hume (TCD)
Robert Elmes (Univ. Maynooth)
Prof. Donal F. O’Shea
Professor and Head of Department