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VOCAL-Medical – Overcoming communication barriers in the healthcare sector

Dated - April 13, 2015


The VOCAL-Medical is an EU funded research project under Leonardo da Vinci TOI (Transfer of Innovation). The project aims to produce training materials and tools to support communication in medical emergency situations where there is no common language and cultural differences could be an added challenge.


Good communication is essential in the healthcare sector, where it can literally make the difference between life and death. Increased mobility and demographic change mean that more and more healthcare situations involve people who do not share a common language or cultural background.

The project aims to bridge this language gap by providing language training materials and a translation support application focusing on key contexts where languages barriers are most acute:

·         Hospital emergency services
·         Ambulance services and fast rescue teams
·         GPs on standby
·         Examination and diagnosis of emergency patients


·         Online training modules
·         available bilingual in 9 languages
·         An intercultural training module
·         App for mobile phone or tablet
·         Technical language focussed on real-life situations
·         Background cultural information on the medical sector in each country

The VOCAL-Medical project funded through the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 as Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project number 2013-1-IE1-LEO05-06093.

Lead partner: IT Tralee

VOCAL-Medical Project Partners


IT Tralee | Kristin Brogan (lead project partner) | Kristin.Brogan@staff.ittralee.ie

The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |Helen Kelly, Lecturer in Communications RCSI (Research partner) | helenkelly@rcsi.ie


Thomas More Kempen |Jef Adriaenssens |jef.adriaenssens@thomasmore.be


Plovdiv University | Dr. Juliana Chakarova | jchakarova@yahoo.com


Assist GbbH | Gary Thomas | thomas@assist-embh.eu

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | Angela Wittkamp |  angela.wittkamp@ovgu.de


Kaunas University of Technology |Jurate Bante | jurate.manyte@ktu.lt


Danmar Computers Malgorzata Miklosz | Lukasz Klapa | l.klapa@danmar-computers.com.pl

Foundation Institute for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development | Ewelina Firszt |biuro.firrip@gmail.com


Emergency Slovakia | Eva Havelkova | eva.havelkova@emergency-slovakia.sk

Slovak University of Technology | Dagmar Spildova | dagmar.spildova@stuba.sk


Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje | Vid Burnik | vid.burnik@ssgt.si


Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitimi Geliştirme Derneği | Mustafa Demirer | metegder@gmail.com


Alcantara Communications LLP |Teresa Tinsley and Kathryn Board | teresa@alcantaracoms.com

For more information, contact any of the project team members

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