Dated - March 25, 2013
Dear Colleagues,
As part of a study being conducted by the School of Pharmacy, we are looking for volunteers to take part in a short interview (approximately 20-30 minutes). The purpose of the interview is to review a survey as part of the research protocol (as approved by the RCSI Research and Ethics Committee).
The interview will consist of answering questions about your thoughts on the proposed survey questions e.g. are they clear, relevant, appropriate etc. in your opinion.
In order to take part you need to;
– Be over 18 years of age
– Have 20-30 minutes to spare over the next two weeks
– Not be a pharmacist, medical doctor or nurse
– Have previously visited a pharmacy to collect a prescription medicine (for anything at all- it is not relevant what medicine was- you will not be asked)
If you think you might be in a position to take part, please email and I will send you on further information or give you a call if you prefer.
We would be very glad to answer any queries and would be very grateful for volunteers.
Thank you,
Michelle Flood
(Lecturer, School of Pharmacy)