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Would you like to lead a happier, healthier life today? Come along to St Luke’s Symposium – Starting Monday 12th October, RCPI

Dated - October 5, 2015

Would you like to lead a happier, healthier life today? Come along to our FREE public meeting and pick up some tips that you can use every day to improve your health & wellbeing.

St Luke’s Symposium 2015

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, No. 6 Kildare Street, D.2

Monday, 12th October, 6-8pm

This year’s public meeting will focus on kickstarting and maintaining better mental and physical health through diet, physical activity and mental wellbeing.

Chaired by Prof Donal O’Shea and featuring leading international expert on the benefits of physical activity, Prof Mike Trennell, the meeting promises to offer useful, practical advice on the key elements essential to good health.

“It is all about looking at what’s right with us, rather than what’s wrong”

Dr Mark Rowe, GP, recently published ‘A Prescription for Happiness’ which offers easy, accessible tips on how to lead a happier, more fulfilled life. Mark believes in the power of combining physical and psychological fitness with positive emotions.

Dr Mary Flynn, Chief Specialist Public Health Nutrition at the Food Safety Authority of Ireland will be if particular interest to young women and expectant mothers as she looks at the importance of early nutrition-those crucial first 1000 days of your baby’s life.

The event is open to the public and to doctors and other healthcare professionals.

A historical showcase promised as the RCPI Heritage Centre looks back on World War 1

Tuesday, 13th October, 11am-4.15pm

The Heritage Centre will host a full day of historical lectures, discussing the involvement of Irish doctors and nurses in the 1st World War. RCPI supported the frequent requests made for medical men to join the war effort, but also acknowledge the need for adequate medical provision at home.

David Durnin, who has recently completed a PhD on the topic, will speak on the impact of the First World War on Irish Hospitals, while Mr Joe Duignan will address the experience of Irish doctors on active service.

This event is open to the public and to doctors and healthcare professionals

For more information and how to book, please visit www.rcpi.ie/stlukes

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