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2016 edition of the RCSIsmj launched

Pictured (l-r) at the launch of the 2016 RCSIsmj (Student Medical Journal) is the editorial team of Natalie Achamallah, Mohit Butaney, Jenna Geers and Corey Nixon. The SMJ features articles on topics such as medicine in space, genome sequencing and barriers to successful smoking interventions, to name but a few. RCSIsmj is a multidisciplinary publication which includes articles and submissions from medical, physiotherapy, and pharmacy students. The articles range from original research, audits, and special interest pieces to the publication of abstracts, case reports, and elective reviews. Read more at http://bit.ly/RCSIsmj16

Pictured (l-r) at the launch of the 2016 RCSIsmj (Student Medical Journal) is the editorial team of Natalie Achamallah, Mohit Butaney, Jenna Geers and Corey Nixon. The SMJ features articles on topics such as medicine in space, genome sequencing and barriers to successful smoking interventions, to name but a few. RCSIsmj is a multidisciplinary publication which includes articles and submissions from medical, physiotherapy, and pharmacy students. The articles range from original research, audits, and special interest pieces to the publication of abstracts, case reports, and elective reviews. Read more at http://bit.ly/RCSIsmj16

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