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Centre for Synthesis and Chemical Biology (CSCB) – Recent Advances in Synthesis and Chemical Biology.

The CSCB is a collaboration in the chemical sciences between University College Dublin, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Trinity College Dublin, funded under the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions, Cycle 3.

The 180 delegates attending the meeting were welcomed by Professor Patrick Broe, President of RCSI and afterwards heard plenary lectures from 5 internationally renowned invited speakers included in the photograph below. The lecture programme covered the following topics: cellular accumulation of platinum anticancer drugs; chemical protein construction with emphasis on new bond-forming processes compatible with biology; chemical protein synthesis using novel amide-forming reagents; design of synthetic structures with well-defined conformations; post-translational modifications in natural product biosynthesis. There were also a large number of poster presentations. The meeting was sponsored by Lilly, CEM, Waters, Bristol-Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, TCI, RSC, Servier and Hovione and was organised by Ann Mooney and Professor Pat Guiry (UCD), Patricia Whyte, Rosemary Donohue and Professor Kevin Nolan (RCSI).

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