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Dublin Fire Brigade Paramedic Training at RCSI

The Dublin Fire Brigade paramedic programme, which is delivered in partnership with RCSI, recently carried out a series of simulation sessions in the new simulation suites in No. 26 York Street. This is the 13th paramedic class since the inception of the partnership in 2002 with more than 400 students successfully completing the programme to date.  Pictured are RCSI staff members Patricia FitzPatrick, Paramedic Programme & Resuscitation Training (far right) Ms. Rebecca Kirrane, HPEC (2nd from right) and Dr. Claire Condron, Senior Lecturer in Simulation (2nd from left) who facilitated the simulation scenarios pictured with the paramedics and their teaching faculty.

The Dublin Fire Brigade paramedic programme, which is delivered in partnership with RCSI, recently carried out a series of simulation sessions in the new simulation suites in No. 26 York Street. This is the 13th paramedic class since the inception of the partnership in 2002 with more than 400 students successfully completing the programme to date. Pictured are RCSI staff members Patricia FitzPatrick, Paramedic Programme & Resuscitation Training (far right) Ms. Rebecca Kirrane, HPEC (2nd from right) and Dr. Claire Condron, Senior Lecturer in Simulation (2nd from left) who facilitated the simulation scenarios pictured with the paramedics and their teaching faculty.

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