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Estate and Support Services bake sale raises over €1,000 for the Jack and Jill Foundation

Pictured is the winner of the raffle of the Mother’s Day Hamper, as part of the Estates Bake Sale on Friday 6th March, Jennifer Cullinane, Director of Finance. The Estate and Support Services Department put their culinary skills to good use on Friday and hosted a bake off in aid of the Jack and Jill Foundation, raising well over €1,000. There were enough cakes and treats to feed the whole of RCSI and the mother’s day gift basket raffle, generated very generous donations from all departments. A huge thank you to each and every person that supported this great cause.

Pictured is the winner of the raffle of the Mother’s Day Hamper, as part of the Estates Bake Sale on Friday 6th March, Jennifer Cullinane, Director of Finance. The Estate and Support Services Department put their culinary skills to good use on Friday and hosted a bake off in aid of the Jack and Jill Foundation, raising well over €1,000. There were enough cakes and treats to feed the whole of RCSI and the mother’s day gift basket raffle, generated very generous donations from all departments. A huge thank you to each and every person that supported this great cause.

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