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International Men’s Day celebrations

RCSI’s International Men’s Day celebrations took place on Tuesday, 27 November the Albert Theatre and College Hall. International Men’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate men’s achievements, highlight positive role models and focus on improving men’s health. The RCSI Staff Men’s Shed and speaker series was formally launched and we were joined by the CEO of Men’s Sheds Ireland, Barry Sheridan. For one day only, barbers and surgeons were reunited, as the Fireplace Barber Shop set up a pop-up shop in the Atrium for those who have registered for complimentary haircuts. Entertainment was provided by the ‘We Three’ barbershop vocal ensemble.

RCSI’s International Men’s Day celebrations took place on Tuesday, 27 November the Albert Theatre and College Hall. International Men’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate men’s achievements, highlight positive role models and focus on improving men’s health. The RCSI Staff Men’s Shed and speaker series was formally launched and we were joined by the CEO of Men’s Sheds Ireland, Barry Sheridan. For one day only, barbers and surgeons were reunited, as the Fireplace Barber Shop set up a pop-up shop in the Atrium for those who have registered for complimentary haircuts. Entertainment was provided by the ‘We Three’ barbershop vocal ensemble.

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