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Quality Conversations Workshop Series

Much of our work gets done through conversations. This series of four half day workshops builds your skillset to have more impactful and direct conversations at work. The first session deals with the foundations of effective communication and takes place on 20th September. The second session is about setting goals and delegating work on the 10th October. Third session is about giving feedback and takes place on the 9th November while the final session on the 6th December deals with tough conversations and dealing with conflict. Register to attend these and all other courses on the “Upcoming Courses” page on the Staff Portal

Much of our work gets done through conversations. This series of four half day workshops builds your skillset to have more impactful and direct conversations at work. The first session deals with the foundations of effective communication and takes place on 20th September. The second session is about setting goals and delegating work on the 10th October. Third session is about giving feedback and takes place on the 9th November while the final session on the 6th December deals with tough conversations and dealing with conflict. Register to attend these and all other courses on the “Upcoming Courses” page on the Staff Portal

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