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RCSI Ballroom of Romance

The seventh annual RCSI Ballroom of Romance took place recently in RCSI. More than 300 senior citizens visited RCSI for this evening of entertainment, dinner, music and dancing held for local senior citizens living in the catchment area of the College. Music was provided on the night by ‘Ronan Collins and the Sugar Cubes’ showband. To view pictures from the night please visit our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10155597802324038.1073741937.185092169037&type=1&l=f62dc21116

The seventh annual RCSI Ballroom of Romance took place recently in RCSI. More than 300 senior citizens visited RCSI for this evening of entertainment, dinner, music and dancing held for local senior citizens living in the catchment area of the College. Music was provided on the night by ‘Ronan Collins and the Sugar Cubes’ showband. To view pictures from the night please visit our Facebook page

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