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RCSI Charter Day Meetings 2014

Pictured (l-r) at the RCSI Charter Day Meetings are Professor Michael Hollands, President of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons; Professor Patrick Broe, RCSI President; and Ms Laura Viani, RCSI Council Member. More than 400 surgeons attended the annual ‘Charter Day’ meeting in RCSI held from 6th-8th of February. The Charter Day meetings provide the surgical community with an opportunity to come together to discuss challenges, issues and new developments within surgery. This year marks the 230th anniversary of the foundation of RCSI by Royal Charter.

Pictured (l-r) at the RCSI Charter Day Meetings are Professor Michael Hollands, President of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons; Professor Patrick Broe, RCSI President; and Ms Laura Viani, RCSI Council Member. More than 400 surgeons attended the annual ‘Charter Day’ meeting in RCSI held from 6th-8th of February. The Charter Day meetings provide the surgical community with an opportunity to come together to discuss challenges, issues and new developments within surgery. This year marks the 230th anniversary of the foundation of RCSI by Royal Charter.

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