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RCSI hosts first annual Teddy Bear Hospital

A number of Teddy Bears got a full health check-up at the first annual Teddy Bear Hospital held on 28th February at RCSI on St Stephen’s Green. The RCSI Paediatrics Society hosted this event where children got the chance to learn what a hospital is, who works there and what goes on there, all while their teddy’s got check-up’s, tests and even x-rays from doctors and nurses! Well done to all involved!

A number of Teddy Bears got a full health check-up at the first annual Teddy Bear Hospital held on 28th February at RCSI on St Stephen’s Green. The RCSI Paediatrics Society hosted this event where children got the chance to learn what a hospital is, who works there and what goes on there, all while their teddy’s got check-up’s, tests and even x-rays from doctors and nurses!
Well done to all involved!

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