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RCSI launches International Citizenship Award

Pictured at the launch of the new RCSI International Citizenship Award, on Friday 29th April, are the members of the International Citizenship Steering Group. Established in March 2015, the Steering Group are commended for their work in bringing this programme to fruition. The RCSI International Citizenship Award programme has been established to encourage students to develop the attributes required to show healthcare leadership in the mixed cultural and social settings that will be the norm in their future careers.

Pictured at the launch of the new RCSI International Citizenship Award, on Friday 29th April, are the members of the International Citizenship Steering Group. Established in March 2015, the Steering Group are commended for their work in bringing this programme to fruition. The RCSI International Citizenship Award programme has been established to encourage students to develop the attributes required to show healthcare leadership in the mixed cultural and social settings that will be the norm in their future careers.

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