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RCSI School of Physiotherapy runs concussion course

Pictured are the 37 participants of Physiotherapy Concussion course, run by Dr Dara Meldrum of the RCSI School of Physiotherapy on 2nd and 3rd September. The Course reviewed the current information on concussion with respect to pathophysiology, epidemiology and biomechanics of concussion, along with pertinent information regarding diagnosis and negative outcome following this injury. The course featured two guest speakers, who are pictured seated in the centre of second row from front, Professor Susan Whitney and Dr Anne Much from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre.

Pictured are the 37 participants of Physiotherapy Concussion course, run by Dr Dara Meldrum of the RCSI School of Physiotherapy on 2nd and 3rd September. The Course reviewed the current information on concussion with respect to pathophysiology, epidemiology and biomechanics of concussion, along with pertinent information regarding diagnosis and negative outcome following this injury. The course featured two guest speakers, who are pictured seated in the centre of second row from front, Professor Susan Whitney and Dr Anne Much from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre.

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