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RCSI to Rock The Village – This Friday 7th February

On Friday 7th February in The Village, Wexford St, a charity gig will take place that will showcase the musical talents of RCSI Staff Paul Nolan, Donncha Ryan and Orla Mockler (all of the Department of Surgical Affairs) along with a number of other special guests. This concert is for a special cause – the Rwandan Children’s Project (RCP) which is a small charity set up by Eric O’Flynn. Doors at The Village open at 8:00pm and the entrance fee on the night is €15, 100% of which is going to this very worthy cause.

On Friday 7th February in The Village, Wexford St, a charity gig will take place that will showcase the musical talents of RCSI Staff Paul Nolan, Donncha Ryan and Orla Mockler (all of the Department of Surgical Affairs) along with a number of other special guests. This concert is for a special cause – the Rwandan Children’s Project (RCP) which is a small charity set up by Eric O’Flynn. Doors at The Village open at 8:00pm and the entrance fee on the night is €15, 100% of which is going to this very worthy cause.

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