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RCSI White Coat and Undergraduate Prize-Giving Ceremony

Pictured (l-r) is Prof.Clive Lee,  Head of Department of Anatomy, RCSI; Peter O'Donnell, who won first Prize in Anatomy and Amro Midaa, Post doctoral Research Fellow in Anatomy, RCSI. The White Coat Ceremony is a significant event for our new undergraduate students as it symbolises the professional nature of the careers on which they are about to embark. The evening also comprised of an awards ceremony for over 50 students who achieved excellence to date, together with some short presentations by students and members of Faculty.

Pictured (l-r) is Prof.Clive Lee, Head of Department of Anatomy, RCSI; Peter O’Donnell, who won first Prize in Anatomy and Amro Midaa, Post doctoral Research Fellow in Anatomy, RCSI. The White Coat Ceremony is a significant event for our new undergraduate students as it symbolises the professional nature of the careers on which they are about to embark. The evening also comprised of an awards ceremony for over 50 students who achieved excellence to date, together with some short presentations by students and members of Faculty.

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