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ISCA-Japan conference in TCD on 8th September

The ISCA-Japan meeting on “Gene-editing, transgenics & stem cells” will take place on Tuesday 8th September 2015 in the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute (TBSI). A flyer describing the event, travel and registration is attached. Registration for PhD students is free of charge whereas PIs and postdoctorates can avail of the early bird price if registered before 14th Aug; please visit http://www.etouches.com/iscadublin2015.

The registration fee covers coffees, lunch and an evening wine reception.
In addition, a breakfast reception will take place at 10 am on Wednesday 9th September in TBSI for those wishing to speak one-on-one to the Japanese delegates.

Note: that although registration is free for PhD students it is essential that all are registered to provide adequate coffees/lunches etc. Could I also encourage you to submit a poster, the guidelines for which are in the programme. There will be a prize for the best poster presentation.

Should you have any queries, please e-mail either me, Dr. Tania Bezak (Facility Manager, Transgenic Facility TCD) or Dr. Aisling Hume (ISCA Programme Coordinator). Contact details are given below.

Look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Vinnie, Tania, Aisling

Dr. Vincent P. Kelly,
Director of Transgenic Core Facility
School of Biochemistry & Immunology
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute
152-160 Pearse Street
Dublin 2
E-mail: kellyvp@tcd.ie
Tel: +353 1 8963507

Dr. Tania Bezak
Facility Manager, Transgenic Core Facility Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute Trinity College Dublin Pearse Street Dublin 2
E-mail: BEZAKT@tcd.ie
Tel: +353-1-8963507

Dr. Aisling Hume
SFI ISCA Programme Co-Ordinator
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2
E-mail: ahume@tcd.ie
Tel: + 353 1 896 3233

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