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AGM, Raffle & Social Evening

  The Sports and Social Club wants YOU!

 Annual General Meeting (AGM), Raffle and Social Evening!

 All Sports and Social Club members are encouraged to attend our AGM taking place on Friday 4th April.

If you are interested in getting more involved in the Club, we welcome new nominees to the Committee

Any thoughts or ideas you might like to share about the Club’s activities most welcome!

 5pm Friday, 4th April 2014

Cheyne Lecture Theatre

123 St Stephen’s Green

 All attendees will be entered into a draw for some great prizes!

Special prize draw for new club members who sign up at the AGM

 The AGM will be followed by social evening at

Harrys on the Green


2 Kings Street South

Includes two free drinks vouchers and finger food for club members

RSVP to bernadettekearney@rcsi.ie by Tuesday 1st April if you wish to attend the social event

Vouchers can be collected outside the Cheyne Lecture Theatre before the AGM from 4.30pm.

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