Now open for nominations
Look around you. Do you know someone who always makes the extra effort? Someone who contributes to College above and beyond their own specific core duties? Does that someone consistently do an excellent job and contribute to the success of RCSI? If so, you are invited to nominate a colleague (either Academic or Professional – administrative/technical staff) who you feel should be recognised for their contributions. Those nominating staff have the option to nominate anonymously, the Dean’s Office does not divulge this information.
The Dean’s Award scheme was created in 2008 as a way of acknowledging the diverse and essential contributions of all staff members. Two awards are presented annually, one to a professional staff member and one to an academic staff member. Each recipient will be presented with a commemorative award and a €1,000 cash award by Professor Hannah McGee at the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences Annual Dinner on 5th October 2018. While we do not make public the names of all those nominated, each nominee receives a letter from the Dean which is noted to their Head of Department, the CEO and HR.
For further details on the Dean’s Award scheme and nomination forms are available here. Nominations can be sent by email to or by post to Margaret McCarthy, Dean’s Office, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, RCSI, 123 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, 7 September 2018.