On 7 April 2016 Ms Rosarii Mannion, Health Service Executive, National Director, Human Resources presented to the MSc Leadership 2015-2107 Group. The lecture was delivered to more than 40 health professionals at the Institute of Leadership RCSI on the final module of Year 1 MSc Leadership.
Ms Mannion presented the Health Service People Strategy 2015-2018 emphasising “There is overwhelming evidence linking high staff engagement with beneficial behaviours, better outcomes and improved performance”.
Paul Synott ,Community Mental Health Services and MSc Leadership Group 2015 & Ms Rosarii Mannion, National Director, Human Resources, HSE
Sandra Murphy, HR Manager at St Vincent’s University Hospital, said “I was delighted to hear Rosarii’s presentation – one of the many key points I took away was -Getting managers to do the right things – not just getting people to do things, Getting people to do better things – not just doing the same better, Getting people to want to do things – not just getting them to do things. “
Stephen Toomey, Estate Services, Beaumont Hospital and MSc Leadership Group 2015, Rosarii Mannion, & Judy Mc Entee, Director of Nursing , Connolly Hospital Leadership Group 2015