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Call for Expressions of Interest to participate: SFI ISCA-Japan Workshop, Tokyo, 30 -31st October 2015

SFI ISCA-Japan Workshop

Future Healthcare: Biomedical Sciences, Technologies & Applications

Hoshi University, Tokyo, 30 -31st October 2015

Co-hosted by Hoshi University, RCSI School of Postgraduate Studies and Molecular & Cellular Therapeutics

Highlights: fully funded travel, accommodation & subsistence between 27 October – 2 November; diverse programme, to include oral & poster presentations and round-table discussions; social activities, including sightseeing in Tokyo! Options to arrive earlier and/or depart later at own expense.

Scope: the aim of the workshop is to provide a platform for RCSI researchers to showcase their work, hear of work at Hoshi University and have the opportunity to network with Japanese colleagues. In addition to the scientific track, there will be round-table discussions on funding mechanisms for collaborations between Japan and Ireland. The aim is to share researchers’ scientific experiences and to facilitate joint applications under Irish, EU and Japanese funding frameworks.
Research topics: any domain within the RCSI research strategy that falls within the scope of Future Healthcare: Biomedical Sciences, Technologies & Applications

Who can participate? The call is open to all researchers, from graduate students and postdocs to senior PIs. Up to six places are available.
Submission: Please submit a title of your presentation and three sentences to describe it:
• Online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/69DGPR9
• Submission deadline: Friday, 4th September 2015

Need further information?

Ms. Justina Senkus, SPGS: justinasenkus@rcsi.ie (general queries)
Prof. John Waddington, MCT: jwadding@rcsi.ie (scientific programme)
Sponsored by Hoshi University & SFI International Strategic Collaboration Award-Japan (13/ISCA/2846)

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