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Hosting Agreements

Hosting Agreements


The Third Country Researchers Directive (Council Directive 2005/71/EC) provides for a fast track procedure (Hosting Agreement) for admitting third-country citizens, (i.e. persons from countries outside of the European Economic Area) for a period of between three months to five years, to carry out a research project with an accredited research institution.

RCSI is an accredited research organisation who can apply for hosting agreements on behalf of non-EEA citizens for the purpose of conducting research in the college. The hosting agreements replaces the need for work permits for the following category of staff; ­

  • Researchers ­
  • Academic Staff (70% research activity)

Hosting Agreements are applicable to all non-EEA current or potential employees who have been offered a research position or academic post with 70% research activity and are funded by a research grant at the Royal College of Surgeons In Ireland. Please read the RCSI Hosting Agreement Policy

Please click on the below image to magnify process chain.

 HA Cycle


The salary threshold for hosting agreement holders having single status (Researchers without dependants) is currently €23,181. The minimum salary for researchers with dependants is €30,000 per annum.


Researchers whose Hosting Agreement and immigration registration card (GNIB card) are due to expire, after 1st January 2012, having completed 2 years working in the State are eligible to apply for a visa Stamp 4 (GNIB card). Further information is available here.

Terminating Employment

Upon early termination of the researchers’ employment contract, the employee must return their hosting agreement to Human Resources. Separately, it is the PI’s responsibility to inform Human Resources of the early termination of the contract.

If a Hosting Agreement has been issued and it transpires that the researcher will no longer be taking up the position offered, it is the duty of the PI to inform Human Resources to ensure the Hosting Agreement is cancelled.


Hosting Agreement Application Form

Please note: All employees in possession of either a work permit or hosting agreement must register with the Gardaí National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) and provide a copy to HR before commencing their position.

RCSI reserves the right to terminate your employment without notice (or payment in lieu of notice) if you cease at any time to be lawfully entitled to work in Ireland.

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