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Innovation Quarterly Workshop – Monday 26th June with Ciaran Bolger

Ciaran Bolger - Innovation Talk

Speaker: Professor Ciaran Bolger
Professor of Clinical Neuroscience, RCSI

Title : The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Medical Innovation; a Personal Journey
Venue: Boardroom, ERC, Beaumont, Dublin 9
Date & Time: Monday 26th June, 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Light refreshments will be served from 1.45 – Speaker will begin at 2pm.
Please RSVP to innovation@rcsi.ie for catering purposes. Places are limited

Professor Ciaran Bolger is currently the Head of the Department of Clinical Neuroscience RCSI, Director Research and Development at the National Neurosurgery Unit, Beaumont Hospital Dublin and a Consultant Neurosurgeon at  Beaumont Hospital.  He is a serial entrepreneur, having been involved in  numerous start-ups including 3 of his own. One has had a successful IPO. He has developed 3 patented products that have achieved successful commercialisation and are available in the market place today.  He currently has a new, 4th start up which hopes to achieve commercialisation of its product later this year.  In this talk prof Bolger will share with us his experience of medical device innovation and commercialisation.

Prof Bolger trained in neurosurgery at the Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery Liverpool and the Primary Children’s Medical Centre, Salt Lake City Utah USA and in Orthopaedic spinal surgery at the Royal Adelaide Hospital Australia.

He is a recipient of several international awards including from the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, the Presidents Design Award from the President of Singapore, Awards from the Association for the Study of Medical Education, the Biomedical Synergistics Institute, Wichita, Kansas, The Biological Society, Dublin, the Intensive Care Society, UK and the Society of British Neurosurgeons, UK.  He is also a Past President of EuroSpine (the Spine Society of Europe).

He is on the Editorial Board of the European Spine Journal and on the Review Panel or Advisory board of several other Neurosurgery or Spine Journals.  He currently serves on the council of the Society of British Neurosurgeons and the European Spine Foundation and previously served on the Executive of the British Cervical Spine Society.

He is the Author of numerous book chapters and papers on neurosurgery and has several published patents in the same area.

He also served as Candidate Astronaut to the European Space Agency.

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