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RASP website URL and support page

Please submit your abstracts for Research Day 2019 before the deadline of Friday 14 December.

Some users have experienced difficulty accessing the RASP website due to recent domain migration.

To resolve this you need to do one of the following –

  1. Delete previous RASP cookies from your browser.
  2. Switch browser.
  3. Launch an new window or tab in an incognito (or private window or tab).

When asked for credentials, you should type in the username as: rcsi_lan\username or username@rcsi.ie.

Example: johnsmith@rcsi.ie or rcsi_lan\johnsmith.

In the event of any other issue relating to the RASP website please refer to the contact details below –

Telephone 01 402 2550

Email researchday2019@rcsi.ie

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