RCSI Running Summer Series
Pick your Races
9 Great Races
Beginners to Advanced
5k’s to full Marathon
Clontarf ½ Marathon 1st July
Clontarf 5 Mile 1st July
Fingal 10Km
Frank Duffy 10 Mile
Rock n’Roll 5 Km
Rock n’Roll 10km
Rock n’Roll ½ Marathon
Dublin ½ Marathon
Dublin City Marathon
Sign up and full details of prices and dates are found on the link below
Sign up must be completed by 26th May to guarantee places.
Entry costs will be bundled together and invoices will be sent out in June
Any questions contact sportsandsocial@rcsi.ie
Further Bundle Deals
If you sign up for 2 race from the Dublin race series* a €2.50 Mem / Non-Mem €5 discount applies
If you sign up for 3 race from the Dublin race series* a €5 Mem / Non-Mem €10 discount applies
*Dublin Race Series Races include, Fingal, Frank Duffy and Dublin ½ Marathon