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Tai Chi

AD1890 RCSI Sports and Social logo

Tai Chi Classes


Deborah Harvey

8 Classes Starting 20th January

Day: Fridays  Time: 12:30pm

Venue: Squash Court 123 SSG

Full Dates Below of the 8 classes

  1. 20/1/17    2. 27/1/17   3. 3/2/17   4. 17/2/17    5. 24/2/17     6. 3/3/17    7. 10/3/17    8. 17/3/17

PRICE: Members €32      Non-members €64

Prices based on 10 people attending and may vary slightly with class size

To register Contact: Isabela Aparicio isabelaaerriu@rcsi.ie

Non-members paid through RCSI payroll can sign up to the sports and social club using this link below

Sports and Social club sign up

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