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Running Tips

  1. Invest in the right pair of running shoes.
    This story breaks down five basic shoe-buying strategies so you can avoid making common mistakes.
  2. Go for distance rather than time – slow it down, be patient, and don’t worry about your pace.
  3. Remember that rest days are training days, too.
    Check out this comprehensive topic page covering all things related to recovering the right way.
  4. Join a running group (You’ve got this one covered if you’re doing the RCSI Breakers!).
  5. Make running a habit, even if that means getting out for a few minutes per day.
    Figure out what motivates you to lace up and get out the door with
  6. Build mileage gradually.
    Here are four ways to go longer and get stronger.
  7. Don’t dread taking walk breaks.
    In fact, slowing down can actually build strength and endurance to benefit your running. Here’s how (and when) to add walks to your routine.
  8. Keep a training log.
    Check out why keeping a journal can become your best tool for success here.
  9. Set small, achievable goals.
    Break down your aspirations into daily, weekly, and monthly goals
  10. Remember that you are a runner.
    Whenever you’re in doubt, remember these wise words from Runners World Chief Running Officer Bart Yasso: “I often hear someone say I’m not a real runner. We are all runners, some just run faster than others. I never met a fake runner.” 

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