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Visa Requirements

We received this email from Irish Immigration in June 2017:

—–Original Message—–
From: Immigpol [mailto:immigpol@justice.ie]
Sent: 01 June 2017 16:42
To: immigpol@justice.ie
Subject: Third Level Graduate Programme 2017 Revision

To whom it may concern

The new arrangements applying to the Graduate Programme from 31 May 2017 onwards are due to be announced on the Irish Naturalisation & Immigration Service (INIS) website this evening. I attach the updated policy document for your information which should be read in conjunction with this email.
The following is a summary of the conditions associated with the new programme.

Qualifiying criteria
In order to qualify graduates:

Must  have  been notified in writing by the relevant awarding body or
institution  on  or  after 1 January 2017 that they have achieved the
award for which they had enrolled as a student.
Must  hold  a  current  Stamp 2 student immigration permission and an
up-to-date  immigration  registration card, and must apply within six
      months of being notified by the relevant awarding body or institution
that  they  have  achieved the award for which they had enrolled as a
Must  not  have  already  exceeded  the  seven-year  limit  on  their
permission as a non-EEA national student in the State.
May,  if  having  previously benefitted from the Third Level Graduate
Programme  at  a  level  8 award or above, on achievement of a higher
level award, e.g. level 9 or above, re-enter the Third Level Graduate
Programme, subject to the overall limit of eight years.
A graduate will not be permitted to access the Programme on more than
two separate occasions, subject to 4) above.
Must,  in line with the obligation on any non-EEA national seeking to
renew  their  permission  to be in the State, comply with the laws of
the State.  Such persons are expected to be of good character and not
to have come to the adverse attention of the authorities in any way.
Must  present  evidence of the final award being attained by way of a
parchment  or,  in circumstances where the graduation ceremony is yet
to take place, an official letter for the awarding body / institution
confirming  that  the  award  has  been achieved. We will revert with
arrangements   for   checking   with  the  institutions  and  further
information, including contact details will circulate in due course.

Categories of award and timelines applying
Graduates  with an award of a recognised Irish awarding body at Levels 8
and  above  on  the NFQ may qualify for this programme. The following
are recognised Irish awarding bodies:
The  seven  Irish  universities;  i.e.  Trinity  College,  UCD,  DCU,
Maynooth Univerisity, UCC, NUIG and the University of Limerick
Dublin Institute of Technology
Royal College of Surgeons Ireland
Institutes of Technology
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)

Graduates  with  an  award  at Level 8 are entitled to a twelve-month 1G
   permission  to  a  maximum  of seven years’ student permission overall..
Graduates with an award at Level 9 or above may be granted an additional
   twelve-month permission, totalling twenty-four  months and  to a maximum
   of  eight  years’ student permission overall. . In order to avail of the
second  twelve-month  permission,  the  individual must demonstrate they
have  made  suitable  steps  to  secure  graduate level employment, e.g.
attending  interviews  and  /  or registering with an employment agency.
Students  graduating  from  May  2017 only are eligible to apply for the
twenty-four  month  permission,  therefore such renewal of Stamp 1G will
only apply from May 2018.

Transitional arrangements
Previously,  holders  of  an  award at Level 7 on the NFQ and holders of
overseas-accredited  Masters  awards  were eligible for a seven-month 1G
permission.  With the implementation of the new Graduate Programme, such
awards  will cease to be an eligible basis for granting this permission.
The following transitional arrangements apply:

Students  enrolled,  on or before 31 May 2017, on a programme leading
to  an  award  at level 7 on the National Framework of Qualifications
may  present to their local registration office to renew their period
of  residence  in the State for a period of six months’ only and will
receive  a  Stamp  1G.  These transitional arrangements will cease to
apply  after  31 December 2019.   Students enrolled after 31 May 2017
in  a  programme leading to an award at Level 7 will not be permitted
to avail of the Third Level Graduate Programme.
Students  enrolled on or before 31 May 2017 in a programme leading to
an  equivalent  award  at  Level  9  of  the  National  Framework  of
Qualifications  but accredited by an overseas awarding body may apply
for  a six months’ permission on Stamp 1G conditions.  This provision
will cease with effect from 31 August 2018.


Immigration & Citizenship Policy

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