- All new research students are asked to agree to the Student Agreement also known as a Code of Conduct. Once they are offered a place on any of our programmes they will be asked to accept their place online and agree to the Code of Conduct electronically.
- All new students need to upload a Project Proposal as part of their application
- All research students are expected to undertake their research while adhering to the principles of Research Intergrity
- If a student needs to take time out of their studies due to illness or maternity leave, or they require an extension due to extenuating circumstances. It is imperative that they apply to the School as early as possible by submitting the correct form to the School of Postgraduate Studies for approval by the Committee: Leave of Absence Request Form / Maternity Leave Form /Extension Request Form
- If a student needs to change their registration (e.g. from full-time to part-time) or their course (e.g. transfer from MSc to PhD) They will need to complete the Transfer Justification Form form which will be brought to the Committee for approval.
- Final year students are asked to complete a Thesis completion Plan 6 months in advance of submission. This should be submitted to the school with a Gantt Chart
- All theses submitted for examination must adhere to the RCSI Thesis Presentation Regulations
- Students and supervisors need to complete an examination entry form: PhD / MD / MSc / MCh
- The final, approved, hard bound version of the thesis needs to be submitted with the Copyright and Thesis Distribution form, clearly noting if an embargo is required or not.
Page Author(s) -
Anthony Chubb,
Elaine Carton and
Roisin Moriarty