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Health and Safety – Building Evacuation

All persons on RCSI premises have a “Duty of Care” for their own safety, health and welfare. Once an order is given to evacuate or when the fire alarm system is activated, all persons must immediately leave the building they are in and proceed to the nearest assembly point.

The senior Porter and Security Staff member on duty are responsible for alerting key personnel and emergency services. In addition, they also ensure orderly evacuation from the premises.

Porters and Security Staff

Close liaison is required between the Porter and Security Supervisor in charge to ensure optimal use of resources. The Portering and Security staff  follow the instructions of the Building Manager or appointed deputy and may activate evacuation management as per the checklist prior to the Building Manager/Deputy taking control. All Security and Portering Staff proceed to the Command Post in an emergency.

The Porters and Security Staff have the following responsibilities:

  • Following initial alarm sounding, proceed in a pair to the zone where the emergency is indicated only if safe to do so to assess the incident and report by radio the status of the incident. Immediate assistance should then be provided to personnel in the area;
  • Activate the alarm panel if requested or where information indicates a full building evacuation is necessary, without delay;
  • Phone the emergency services;
  • Open the main doors to allow free flow of occupants;
  • Check the mobility impaired persons assembly points and notify the Building Manager/Fire Services;
  • Direct building occupants to safe exit points and maintain crowd control by directing personnel to alternate exit routes and to the assembly points;
  • Restrict unauthorised access or re-entry into the building;
  • Pass on all necessary information to the Command Post such as persons trapped, extent of fire etc..

Emergencies Outside of Normal Working Hours

Outside of normal working hours when Porters and Security Staff are the only supervisory staff present, the Porter or Security Staff in charge  assume the role of the Building Manager during an emergency. In addition, as limited Fire Wardens are present out-side normal work hours, Porters and Security Staff  check in particular, areas where evening lectures, conferences or dinners are taking place or where staff are known to be working who haven’t signed out of the ‘Out-of-Hours/Lone Working’ Register.

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