RCSI welcomes innovations for new programme development. The A&QC provides information and support for programme proposers wishing to embark on a new educational idea.
Application forms for new programmes and proposed changes to existing undergraduate and postgraduate programmes/awards including Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelors, Masters and PhD can be downloaded below. Submissions for Microcredentials should be submitted via this MS Form
Please note: the application process can take approximately 9-12 months based on the type of application submitted, the quality of the supporting documentation included, the response time to feedback from reviewers and programme proposers, the calendars of the A&QC, Academic Council, Medicine and Health Sciences Board, and NUI Senate. The Awards & Qualifications Committee does not meet in June, July, and August so applications submitted during this timeframe will be reviewed in September. Applications for Microcredentials will normally be processed in approximately 3 months.
Phase I: Business Proposal (New Programmes Only – not Microcredentials)
Please contact awardsqualifications@rcsi.ie for advice in relation to the Business Case Review process.
Phase II: Academic Proposal (New and Existing Programmes – not Microcredentials. For link to Microcredentials form see above)
Please note: All applications must be received two weeks prior to a scheduled A&QC meeting in order to be included in the meeting agenda.
Please see the 2023/2024 calendar which outlines the accreditation committee meeting dates:
Advice & Mentorship
- In the first instance programme proposers should seek advice from an experienced member within the school/institute where the programme will be delivered (i.e. Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Postgraduate Studies or Graduate School of Healthcare Management);
- The Quality Enhancement Office (QEO) will offer advice around assessment blue printing and learning outcomes, by appointment;
- Best practice guidelines and supporting documentation from NUI, the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) and Europe are available to download from the A&QC Guidelines & Best Practice page;
- A&QC Secretariat can be contacted at awardsqualifications@rcsi.ie with any general queries regarding the application process.