When adding a new publication record to the Research Database you will notice that you are now required to check off whether you have emailed a pre or post-print to the RCSI open access repository, e-publications@RCSI.
The reasons for this are to:
- capture publications information in one place and use it for generating links to the full-text of your publications both on your PI profile page generated from the research database records and in your e-publications@RCSI author record, i.e., there will be one capture of information and two display points . Note that material added to the repository is indexed in Google, Google Scholar, etc. so is discoverable on the web
- help with compliance with funder mandates requiring deposit of published work in an open access repository – those of you who have indicated to SFI, for example, that you will self-archive can use e-publications@RCSI for this purpose (assuming publishers permit open access archiving).
- promote RCSI research publications
How it works:
- Pre or post prints which are submitted via the email link in the publication record will be checked to see if the publisher allows publications to be stored in an open access repository. Note: pre-print=pre-refereed version of article; post-print=post refereed version of article (author final draft prior to final copy / editing).
- If a publisher’s permissions allow, the full text of your pre or post print, or in some cases the publisher pdf, will be stored in e-publications@RCSI and a link to the full text will automatically display on your PI profile publications page generated from the research database, as well as in e-publications@RCSI.
- If a publisher imposes restrictions on open access and your work cannot be published in e-publications@RCSI you will receive an email explaining why.
We hope this change in the record, a joint initiative of the Research Office and the Library, will reduce duplication of effort and increase the visibility of RCSI research publications.
If you have any questions/suggestions please contact:
Jenny Byrne, Administrator e-publications@RCSI, email: epubs@rcsi.ie Ext: 2415; or Kate Kelly, Chief Librarian email: katekelly@rcsi.ie Ext:2412
Please note & talk to Jenny if you have any questions about:
being required to deposit your output in UK PubMed Central
book chapters and conference papers (follow the same process described above )
Other material types, e.g. reports, video, podcasts, photographs, presentations, which can also be added to the repository.
Kate Kelly, AHIP
Chief Librarian
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Mercer Library
Mercer Street Lower
Dublin 2
Tel.: +353 1 402 2412
Fax: +353 1 402 2457
Email: katekelly@rcsi.ie
Web: http://www.rcsi.ie/library
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