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Researcher ID

The introduction of a policy where all Principal Investigators in the College are required to acquire a Web of Science Researcher ID was agreed by the RCSI Research Committee.

The Researcher ID is a web based service from the Thomson Reuter group (publishers of the Web of Science citation indexes and Journal Citation reports) that can collate records of publications from Web of Science and other sources and can present a public profile of an author’s published output. Anyone can self-register for a Researcher ID and create a research profile that is openly accessible and public on the web (further information on the researcher ID is available at http://www.researcherid.com).

The use of Researcher IDs will enable the College to run, via InCites, reliable reports on publication outputs. In addition, in the near future, the developers of InCites have committed to develop tools that via Researcher IDs will automatically upload publications from Web of Science into institutional databases.

An online tutorial on how to acquire and manage a researcher ID is available at the following link: http://wokinfo.com/researcherid/ridlabs/

Please note that this new policy applies to Principal Investigators only. However all Researchers in the College will be able to include their Researcher ID in their research Database profile.

If you require any further clarification or have specific support/training needs please feel free to contact Paul Murphy at the Library (pjmurphy@rcsi.ie) or Paola della Porta in the Research Office (pdellaporta@rcsi.ie).

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