The first year of the Act, according to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, will see a “phased and measured” implementation of the legislation.
Under this legislation, it is in an offence for any employee of RCSI to:
- carry out lobbying activities without and fail to make return to the Communications Department
- provide misleading or inaccurate information in their returns.
If the SIPO (Standards in Public Office Commission) believes that a return has not been submitted on behalf of RCSI, or if any information a return is inaccurate, it will initiate an investigation which may involve An Garda Síochána.
Any person who commits a contravention (i.e. any of the above acts of non-compliance), is guilty of an offence. However, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) is liable for a Fixed Penalty Payment.
Any offences committed as a result of lobbying will result in reputational damage to RCSI, so absolute transparency in the quality of information you provide is paramount.