Conditions of Awards
Failure to comply with the conditions listed below will disqualify the student from the award and from applying for further undergraduate summer studentship awards within RCSI.
Stipulations for all students accepting awards:
- Request that the supervisor fill out a recruitment form (Recruitment Form (E) for Summer Students on the RCSI Database.
- Sign the contract given by HR which contains a Summer-Researcher IP Agreement ensuring all IP belongs to the supervisor and RCSI.
- Registration and attendance (80%) of the Research Summer School ( is required.
- Submit a Final Report at the end of your 8 week project to the Research Office at by 1st October 2014.
- Submit an abstract to the Research Summer School Symposium and to Research Day 2015.
- Students must acknowledge the financial support received through this programme in all research communications resulting from their project. Where relevant please forward to the RCSI Research Office copies of all publications at the time of publication.
- Submit a letter of acknowledgement to their donor in addition to the submission of the Final Report.
For further information see Moodle page
General Queries:
Research Office: