What is Aurora?
Aurora is an innovative women’s leadership programme run by Advance HE (formerly known as the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education). The programme was developed to help address the issue of the declining number of women in senior posts in higher education as outlined in the Advance HE Stimulus Paper ‘Women and Higher Education: Absences and Aspiration’ by Professor Louise Morley (January 2013). It has been designed to encourage women in academic, research and professional roles to think about themselves as leaders, to develop their leadership skills and to help institutions maximise the potential of these women. The programme is aimed at women, and those who identify as women, who would like to explore and develop their leadership ability but who have not yet stepped into a senior leadership role i.e. not yet at Professor, PI or Head of Department level.
Since Aurora began over 10,000 women from 200 institutions across the UK and Ireland have participated in the programme, including 87 women from RCSI. This year Staff Learning and Development are proud to sponsor up to 10 places for our staff on the forthcoming Irish cohort of the programme which commences in October 2023. There will be approximately 150 participants from all HEI’s across the island of Ireland so it offers a unique chance to network with peers from the sector.
What is included in the programme?
Aurora addresses core areas associated with leadership success:
• Understanding organisations and the Higher Education Institution (HEI) sector
• Developing leadership behaviours, skills and knowledge
• Identifying and overcoming barriers and obstacles
• Growing confidence and a leadership identity
• Building networks, coalitions and support processes
The programme explores these topics using a combination of online development days (four, at approximately monthly intervals); two action learning set days and self-directed learning that complements the key themes and supports participants’ own development needs. This year there will also be an additional in-person networking day to conclude the programme. Each participant will also work with an RCSI mentor throughout the programme.
You can find a list of FAQ here.
All applicants must have been employed by RCSI for at least 12 months at the time of application and RCSI must be the main employer. To apply, please complete the Aurora Application Form 2023 and submit your completed form here. Applications are open now and the closing date for applications is end of day Friday 8th September 2023.
If you have any queries on the programme please contact our Aurora Champion Professor Zena Moore, Head of School of Nursing and Midwifery at zmoore@rcsi.com or Catriona Campbell, Head of Staff Learning and Development at catrionacampbell@rcsi.com.