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On-line Data Protection Training

As a health sciences institution, RCSI handles staff, student, patient and research subject data. We are committed to protecting personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Acts and this mandatory training is designed to ensure that all staff are aware of both their rights and responsibilities in the area of Data Protection.

At the end of the course you will be required to take a short quiz and the pass rate is 80%. You will be provided with more details on the quiz on the course launch page in Moodle. You can take the quiz more than once, so you don’t need to worry if you fail it the first time. Completion of the training should take approximately 40 minutes.

Here are some things you need to know about the course:

  • First time users of Moodle should watch this short video on how to access the course: https://youtu.be/lpljs-iHfyM You will be required to use your usual Windows log in and password to access Moodle, and then use the password rcsidata to self enrol on the Data Protection course.

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