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The Flipped Classroom


The Flipped Classroom can be simply defined as follows: “Inverting the

classroom means that events that have traditionally taken place inside the classroom now take place outside the classroom and vice versa” (Lage et al, 2000, p.32)1. However successful implementation of the flipped model of instruction requires a considered analysis and application of constructivist and collaborative models of learning. This workshop will explore the planning and processes involved in such successful implementation

1 M.J. Lage, G.J. Platt, and M. Treglia. Inverting the classroom: A gateway to creating an inclusive learning environment. The Journal of Economic Education, 31(1):30–43, 2000

Intended Learning Outcomes:

This workshop will facilitate you to:

Identify key considerations that must be addressed in flipped teaching and learning.

  • Select from an array of techniques and tools to help ensure
  • that students engage with content.
  • design preparatory, in-class and post-class activities that are constructively aligned.

Facilitator: Ms Catherine Bruen & Dr Martina Crehan

Workshop Duration: 2 hours

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