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Introduction to Python programming

The first of two data workshops – this workshop on data preparation, to be followed by a workshop on data analysis Using R in Computational Biology, which will take place in March.  By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  1. Install and work with Python, iPython and Spyder.
  2. Write a short script that prints out “Hello world”
  3. Work with all data types in Python
  4. Import data into your programme
  5. Output data to a new text file
  6. Write a short script to convert data from a microarray experiment that monitors gene expression changes

Presenters:       Dr Ant Chubb, School of Postgraduate Studies & Dr Stephen Madden, Division of Population Health Sciences

Duration:         2 hours (12:00 – 14:00)

Slides available on Moodle: https://vle.rcsi.ie/course/view.php?id=2587 

All courses are bookable on the Upcoming Courses page

Vitae Researcher Development Framework:  Domain A (Knowledge & intellectual abilities)

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