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Quality Conversations – Workshop Series

Much of the work of management happens through conversations. These conversations may be face-to-face, on the phone or by email; they may be planned or happen by chance but however they happen it is an ongoing opportunity to better engage with staff, increase motivation and improve performance. This series focuses on equipping you with the skills and good practices to have more impactful quality conversations at work. It is recommended that participants attend all 4 sessions but it is also possible to sign up for individual sessions.

Session 1: Foundations of Effective Communication – Regardless of the topic, there are some fundamentals of quality conversations that are important to get right. This session looks at:

–          The psychological contract – what did the manager and employee sign up for?

–          What do people want at work? –Motivational Factors

–          Identifying enabling and limiting beliefs and expectations that drive the manager’s behaviour

–          Active Listening – the single biggest thing you can do to communicate more effectively

–          Assertive behaviour – communicating with concern, clarity and honesty

Session 2: Setting Goals and Delegating Work – Having direct upfront conversations to clearly set expectations on both sides is a core management skill.  This session addresses:

–          Goal setting – the power and the pitfalls

–          How to set SMART goals

–          The spirit and the letter of the goal

–          The golden opportunity of delegation – developing staff

–          How to delegate to get the right results

–          Where many managers go wrong

Session 3: Giving Feedback – Recognising great performance and confidently addressing performance issues is something every manager needs to do. This session looks at:

–          Giving Feedback – putting the spotlight on performance

–          Why most managers don’t give enough feedback

–          Why good performance is often overlooked

–          Addressing poor performance

–          A simple and powerful model for giving feedback

Session 4: Tough Conversations/Dealing with Conflict – Nobody enjoys tackling a difficult issue or handling conflict in their teams – but it’s something every manager faces at one time or another. This session addresses:

–          Keeping a difficult conversation professional – even if it seems personal

–          When people can’t agree – dealing with conflict

–          Ending on the best possible note

–          Skills practice

How to Book?

All courses are bookable on the Upcoming Courses page

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