- Files (e.g. PDFs, slides, etc.)
- Folders
- URLs (linking to web resources including book chapters and videos in Clinical Key & Access Medicine)
- Pages
- ‘Books’
- Labels
This includes an overview of how they can be used to make your course more user-friendly.
- Resources settings (including restricting access to certain users, dates, groups etc.)
- Quick renaming and moving resources around the course page.
- Embedding images
- Embedding videos
Course Page Layouts
- Improving the layout of a course page
- Topics grid format (new feature)
- Showing 1 topic per page
Managing Course Users
- Roles and permissions
- Enrolments
- Creating course groups and groupings, and how they can be used
Location: ERC PC Lab, Beaumont
Date: 1st September, 2015
Time: 10am – 1pm
Location: Mercer PC lab, SSG
Date: 31st August, 2015
Time: 10am – 1pm
Click here to view the booking form and for further information on each session. Select the session(s) you wish to attend, and click on ‘Save My Choice at the bottom of the page to book your place.