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SciVal Workshop

SciVal Workshop

Measuring the impact of your research has become more important in recent years and funding agencies increasingly require bibliometric analyses.  In order to represent the breadth of your research, a range of metrics should be provided.  This hands-on workshop will focus the SciVal tool, which uses Scopus data to analyse research, benchmark with meaning and accuracy, develop collaborative partnerships and identify trends.

You will be guided through SciVal and will practice:

  • Exporting profiles from Scopus into SciVal
  • Creating a research group within SciVal
  • Using a selection of metrics for benchmarking purposes
  • Finding current and potential international collaborators with RCSI

Presenter: Grainne McCabe, RCSI Library

Venue: 12-1, Computer Room, RCSI Library, York St

Duration: 1 hour

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