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Coping with stress and anxiety: Health and well-being for researchers

We all know that being a researcher can be very satisfying, but it often comes at a price of high levels of stress and anxiety. It could be the pressure of deadlines, writers block or dealing with fix term contracts, or perhaps the anxiety of not knowing where your next steps will take you. Research can also be isolating and hard on your self-confidence and motivation. Good mental health and well-being can help researchers deal with the stresses of life in academia and make the most of the opportunities around them whatever their future may hold.

Join us for a Google Hangout to learn more about looking after your own mental health and well-being and hear from researchers share their experiences of balancing life and research.

Meet our panel:

Panellists will take audience questions, so this is your opportunity to get advice on any problems you may be facing.

Please note in order to participate you must be registered with Vitae.  

Coping with stress and anxiety: Health and well-being for researchers

When Mar 14, 2017 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (Europe/London / UTC0)
Times 2-3 pm UK Time
Region Virtual
Where Virtual
Organiser Vitae
Contact courses@vitae.ac.uk
Audience Early career researchers, researcher developers, senior managers
Entry To participate register to our website and tick ‘Vitae mailings’ on registration. You will also need a Google account to participate in the Q&A
Web Visit external website
Cost Free registration

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