#1 Research Innovation Series
Goal: To provide Researchers with a practical understanding of Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs), Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) and Data Sharing Agreements (DTAs)
- What are CDAs, MTAs and DTAs?
- When / why do I need to put these Agreements in place?
- Benefits of having these Agreements in place
- Key considerations and Agreement terms
Collaborative Research Agreements
- Collaborative research with Academic Parties
- Key Agreement terms and considerations
- Collaborative research with Industry – Partly funded by State & Industry v. Wholly funded by Industry
- Key Agreement terms and considerations
- Management of Intellectual Property
Duration: 1.5 hours
Target Audience: Post docs and PI’s new to commercialization
This workshop is delivered by Michelle Kelly, BL and Dr. Seamus Browne
All courses are bookable on the Upcoming Courses page.